Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Statistics For Blood Donation Camp

Since the year 1999, Shree Aniruddha Upasana Foundation has been organizing Mega Camp for blood donation consistently every year in the month of April.
Just Donate Blood
Blood Donation

The year 2001 saw blood donation camps being organized at Upasana Centers in Mumbai and soon centers all over Maharashtra followed suit.

During the year 2014, 31 Blood Banks participated in the Mega Blood donation Camp held at New English School, Bandra (East). A total of 4722 units of blood was collected during this camp.

The donors give blood purely in recognition of their responsibility as fellow human beings; endorsing the fact that selfless giving is giving from the heart.

Shreemadpurushartha Grantharaj Says

Almighty loves, the drop of blood
Almighty loves, the drop of donated blood
In the ‘Anandasadhana’, the third volume of the Shreemadpurushartha Grantharaj, Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu illustrates the importance of donating blood.

He says that among the nine different drops that  the Almighty loves, the drop of blood donated by one Shraddhavan to another forms an integral part of it.

परमेश्वरला आवडणाऱ्या नऊ थेंबापैकी एक थेंब म्हणजे रक्तदान एका श्रद्धावानाने दुसऱ्या श्रद्धावानासाठी निरपेक्ष भावनेने केलेल्या रक्तदानाचे थेंब !

--- श्रीमदपुरषार्थ ​ग्रंथराज
Blood Donation
I must Donate Blood

Why Blood Donation is Important?

Donate Blood-Save LifeBlood being a vital element of the human body, giving it to restore the health of other humans, equals giving vitality. The gift of blood is justifiably the gift of life and so it is truly very precious. And when the prevailing circumstances raise the need for this vital element, endeavors to satisfy the need or make blood available becomes a call of the day.

In Maharashtra for instance, the annual need is as large as 7.5 lac units of blood. The incidence of road and rail accidents, the instances of Thalassemia, Anemia, Blood Cancer or even the instances of surgical procedures demand a reserve and sometimes a supply stock of blood.

Medical advancement is a continuous process with the help of which man has been able to defeat nature at times. 

However, in spite of this advancement man has not been able to find a suitable replacement for blood as there is no such thing as artificial blood. Donating blood is the only alternate to save a human life. 

However, with a constant rise in accidents and medical surgeries, there is a constant demand for the blood. 

Statistically speaking, Maharashtra alone requires more than 7.5 lakh bottles of blood each year.